10/20/88 Larch Mt
Mild and calm - perfect except for 2/3 FULL MOON near Water Jar. Clusters were
but only Andromeda could get through the glow. FIRST VIEW OF CERES as it split
102/103 Aqr. Easy w/scope, but too dim for binox esp. w/Moon so close.
7/2/89 Pine Mt. II
FIRST VIEW of M74!! Only M77 remains unseen! Also: M81 w/binox;
M8,20,Uranus,Vesta in binoc field.
BIG EVENT: the Saturn occultation of 20 Sgr. Generally, it's all on tape,
including miscues,
bad guesses and other wonders. Opening act was too unsteady for more than 100x
(15mm), so scale was
small. The Reappearance almost worked at 305x but was reduced to 164x (8.8mm).
When the star reached
full brightness in Cassini it was amazing/bizarre; its point brightness was much
brighter than Saturn.
8.8mm w/grey filter was best during reappearance, although Tom Clarkson w/yellow
looked good. During
sharp moments Cassini was clearly visible, and the rings were distinctly
brighter than the banded
planet. Four moons seen; Enceladus may have blinked in once or twice.
Also: > ALL NINE PLANETS PLUS VESTA! seen overnight - Venus and Mars at
sunset, Uranus and Vesta
near M8/20, Saturn and Neptune near each other, and a near-sunrise appearance by
Jupiter and Mercury
which only Chuck and I witnessed.
Also: > NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS? or something very similar to them! It was near
4am, and light had
spread from due north to not quite east. Some haze was visible along the
horizon but the sky views
(other than Saturn) had been very good, so these opalescent blue-violet clouds
appearing at 30-45
degrees in the northwest were a surprise. They were quite faint but distinct,
and were receiving
light that was nowhere near the lower atmosphere at 4am! Attempts at
photography were pitifully feeble.
3/11/94 Kah-Nee-Ta Late start and 40-inch debut 9:00-2:00
Arrived on-site about 9:00; no way to evaluate spots so I picked a close but
treed-in area, vaguely
collimated the 141/2 and went to work. No Marathon possible by then, but always
plenty to see! Skies
were dark and steady but John was upset that the skyglow was bad and the golf
site was flooded with
lights that couldn't be shut off. I reassured him that the ski areas were the
main problem at this
site and would probably go away after 11:00 (good guess!) The Swayzes arrived
~10 and got the 40"
Megascope under way quickly. I spent an hour or more on M104, sketching the
area in search of minor
planet 111 Ate; it appeared obvious but I wanted it on record. Though it was
not confirmed until the
next night I would still call it my 3/11 Best New Object. (I need a better way
to fix the light over
my sketch-area!) The Cambridge Atlas looks good, red galaxies or not! Waited
for M104 before bothering
Steve; an amazing sight.
12/21-24 back yard triple-header success!
Having finally activated the EZC asteroid datafile, I printed out charts for the
three minor planets
hovering in Taurus: 4Vesta, 5Astraea, and 8Flora. Vesta and Flora have appeared
in S&T, so those charts
helped also. Through a gap 12/21 I sketched the neighborhoods; Flora was
probable, Vesta quite so and
dim Astraea was highly uncertain. I nailed the first two on the 23rd, but high
clouds thickened fast
and buried Astraea. Just before Christmas-eve services the next night I found
the displaced point in
the Astraea field. I moved one field right and re-sketched, fairly confident I
knew which would jump
next time. The forecast is for clearing by the weekend, so I must wait a few
days for further proof.
Used Uranometria to confirm the work; Astraea is too dim for it as well.
8/25/95 OSP 3 great nights - FIRST LIGHT for 22" f/4.30..??
Friday: dusk-5am I attempted to offset the secondary with marginal results,
since the collimation
was not as good as Thursday. Due to battery problems I had to turn on the
laptop for quick
bursts while locating Uranus, Neptune and 10 Hygiea. This night was spent
beating on the H401-800 list;
at the end of this night only 3 of my 10 remain unevaluated (and I've seen them
before)! Several were still tough even with 4x
the aperture; these will be difficult to recommend. Others were tough to see
but easy to find. NGC1883
finally resolved into stars, a welcome sight. This night was better than the
previous, allowing 10mm
(240x) views of most H objects. I re-checked previous sketches and made new
ones, juggling light,
sketchpad and pencil while swapping eyepieces for the best view. The last two
were quite interesting;
n1044 looked slightly double, while 1241 and its companion 1242 crowded around a
foreground star for
warmth. I re-checked HaleBopp; it hadn't moved much and my sketch needed more
stars for definitive proof.
12/23/95 Chuck's 11:30-3:30
First stop this night was Haggart, where the correct keys worked fine and four
people showed up in lieu
of shopping. In my spare time I sketched fields for Hebe and Amphitrite on the
24"; time will tell. I
closed up around 10:15 and headed for Chuck's, where he and J.Buting were seeing
the sights. Chuck heard that
Swayze's van was stolen with 121/2" binoculars inside -- ouch!! I
found/recovered four H objects, 2 from
each list. Amazingly, the sketch of 3646 was not to be improved on - just an
oval haze evenely lit and
no stars nearby. Calm but cold, the dew-zapper was popular this night (Chuck
read 23° about the time
we quit). Jon departed earlier but left his modified 13" (Chuck trimmed it,
scaled down the secondary
and otherwise improved it) for potential use. The extra clamp on the riflescope
skewed it to marginal
usefulness; I will rebuild it before trying again.
12/31/95 home final check! 7:00-7:45
A bit of clearing allowed for a quick check of asteroidal positions. First up
was the 8", which utterly
failed to turn up enough faint stars to prove 6 Hebe's motion. Tossing it
aside, the 10" was hastily
assembled and pointed at Cetus. With a bit of scrutiny the missing spot was
confirmed; a later sketch
of the current area was checked with Megastar for a new spot, which popped up on
the edge of the 32mm
field. The task is more difficult since the fields were sketched on a drier
night with the Haggart 24"
scope! The extra time spent on scopes and Hebe-sketches was expensive, however:
high-level clouds in
Auriga covered Amphitrite's field and left me with only Megastar for
sketch-checking. Fog appeared later
to keep the area hidden. With Hebe's confirmation I reach the goal of five
proven minor planets for '95
(given the extra week from last year): numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 are in the
book of lists.
2/14/96 Numbers 7 and 16 fall to the 22". 7:Iris and 16:Psyche sat about 1°
apart in Taurus, just begging
to be spotted. I also (finally) confirmed the star-test anomaly with another
test. The Ronchi pattern
wouldn't break as it did on the bench test, but zooming in until the grating
filled the field proved me sane
(?). The fully-lit mirror image fell off drastically at the scratch, showing
the flat side of the star-test image!
Switching to a dark mirror also showed the wedge as a light patch. Now for the
work part: re-grinding and
fresh polish... ouch.
April 27 What a waste. A long and well-traveled day ends at Haggart, with clear
skies and a Q1 moon
overhead. ONE PERSON visited. He stuck around from opening until about 10:30;
I waited five minutes
more, then shut down. Showed him M104, 5,13,3 and the moon in the 10". Oh
yeah, I suspect that I found
2:Pallas, although it was threshold in binox. I never got the 24" pointed to
the right field, but the
binox showed a faint dot in the right place.
8/17/96 New Objects Seen - 3:Juno and 124:Alkeste seem definite, and Triton
and a few Uranian moons
probable. Three globulars near Hale/Bopp seen [6539 good, 6517 ok, i1276
marginal]. Tours of M101 area
netted a few smudges and knots as well. The minor planets near Libra/Sco were
in the smoke/haze early...
11/1/96 Quickly, before the weather fails! Printed out charts for 12:Victoria,
found a probable point, then
watched in dismay as the computed location jumped - apparently Megastar was
still looking at a location for new-
moon week at Antelope! I tried again for a m10.9 object and found something
threshold in the right spot. The
8" scope reaches just past m11 in town with the 4.7 eyepiece. Must remember the
ParaCorr for that one.
11/9/96 We watched in impressed silence the descent of the 7:56pst FIREBALL
that lasted 5+ seconds, reached
>mag-2 and turned pale green before fading... WOW. I reached the Klondike site
~8:30, losing an hour and
western Capricorn. Several other mplanets fell, however, including the teesha
twins [39:Laetitia and
21:Lutetia] and one on the water jar [230:Athamantis]. Just for completion I
recaptured 3:Juno then pushed
the limits of the 8" with 455:Bruchsalia due east of Juno. The sky was turning
a bit milky with humidity but
I hung around a while, quickly tiring of the wide view [surprise]. My back
tired of the stooping - both for
eyepiece and laptop - so I packed after 11:00 and headed home. The site is
still a good one, but the airport
lights are easier to track in humid skies.
3/1/97 After seapking to the Mt. Hood Observatory Association about
[and some scope-work at Chuck's] I arrived home to clear skies. Since I'd just
a group how easy it was I figured that I had better try to pick off a few easy
Success *3 - (6)Hebe, (18)Melpomene and (64)Angelina found in central PDX with
8" scope
and 55x. The magnitudes are 9.6, 10.1 and 10.4 respectively.
4/4/97 The clear skies that helped me to my best views
of comet Hale-Bopp
also gave me a chance to catch 6:Hebe and 346:Hermentaria as they crossed paths
in Leo. I sketched the area and
will check back to see if the suspects change position. I also scoped out 85:Io
in the head of Hydra; while
my 8-inch was marginal, a nearby C-11 helped me to narrow down the possibilities
among several 13-th
magnitude specks.. a great night overall!
6/8/97 Still no time for the 22-inch mirror, but after 2 hrs OT I stole some
time for
Virgo and Libra. Found faint m11.2 13:Egeria right where it was supposed to be,
in 10mm. Next stop 42:Isis, also a challenge despite being brighter at m10.9.
Last and
never least, went deep for m12.2 114:Kassandra, at the extreme limit of a PDX
Suspected twice [hallucinations?] but never pinned after nearly an hour of
effort and
several trips to the computer to consult with MegaStar. I'll have to leave town
for a
better view of Kassandra... I guess I knew that all along.
3 July Went to Bob Duke's for a darker view, hoping to capture a few minor
in Scorpius and Libra. High clouds intervened so we set up slowly. A clear
patch drifted
near Antares so I chased 596:Scheila, at mag 12.6 an object too faint for
It was also too faint here, though I suspected it once or twice. Swapped to the
for wide-scanning, then Jupiter got some attention with the C-11. By then
Scorpius was
much darker so I tried for Scheila again, this time successfully! It was a
challenge but I captured and held two points I hadn't clearly seen before.
Checking with
MegaStar confirmed the spot.
7 Aug 97 - 22" mirror arrives at last [delayed by UPS
strike..] [photo of
First Big Views, in nearly correct order: moon, Venus, M57, Mars, M5, M11,
Uranus, 57, 51, 114:Kassandra. While the scope wouldn't go past mag14 in town
at 10pm,
it was sufficient to capture the elusive asteroid [I had missed it 6/8].
sure beats the 8-inch under urban skies: Kassandra was mag13.3 when I caught up
with it!
OSP captures:
minor planets - 97:Klotho & 558:Carmen [same field], 103:Hera & 113:Amalthea
[same field], 17:Thetis, 4:Vesta [recapture].
7 Sep Front Yard
The sun is dropping fast now, down just after 7:30. Sadly, it's still quite a
while to wait for Pisces and the minor-planet clump to rise. Decent views of
Jupiter, threshold of n404, only one companion to M31. Naked eye, this site
beats 3286 with ease - all of Lyra visible, and all but eta UMi, and this night
wasn't great. I did stumble across 67:Asia on my charts, and tracked it down
with little trouble. Also saw a very nice meteor at 9:47...
20 Oct Observing before the next storm arrives, I stumble into a Jovian
moondance: Ganymede crossing Europa in what looks like a nearly-total
occultation! I couldn't find anything on the web about this, but it lasted from
~9:45-10:30. It looked its best around 10:00, but high clouds had a part in
that. Saturn also looked good, with a triangle of faint moons and Titan above /
behind. By 10:15 Cetus was high enough for a search party, and both
11:Parthenope and 196:Philomela fell to the gaze of the 22". Parthenope was
easy at m9.6 while a touch more scrutiny was needed for m11.1 Philomela.
25 Oct, Haggart:
Wayne brought his own crowd, and few others came to see the sights (Io crossing,
sharp views of Saturn). I popped the 11mm on the 10" f/4 and tracked down
9:Metis and 80:Sappho in western Taurus, at mag 9.0 and 10.2 respectively. They
were quite easy in the 10-inch, but since this site is south of Portland it is
quite a bit darker than my front yard!
1 Nov, front yard: ROLLED the 22+ out for a test of wheels, newly-foamed
trusstubes, and pursuit of a few minor planets. One hit, one miss and two
confirmed shifts took place, with 40 Harmonia the lone newcomer. It was easy at
m10.5, but the same should have been true for m11.6 Europa. I sketched its
field down to mag12.7 stars, but it was not in the predicted place. I shifted
the sketch-field to capture more stars, so it may have been just outside my
sketch. I reviewed the Parthenope and Philomela fields in Cetus; neither
suspect was visible in its former spot.
23 Feb - As another storm heads for California, skies choose not to be as cloudy
as expected, so out comes the telescope after 115 days of hibernation. A quick
scan of MegaStar selects a few high asteroids, and both 23:Thalia [m10.8] and
89:Julia [m11.5] fall with minimal trouble. Turning to the vacant skies of
Cancer, I put in a good deal of time on the hunt before bagging 30:Urania
[m10.9] near p Cancri. Since I have put in several unproductive months on the
minor-planet web page, I pick a target from my list and aim for iota Cancri,
near which I find 134:Sophrosyne hanging out at m12.2. A good night, but I sure
am rusty - nothing was where I expected, and sketch-pages were nearly
6 Mar - I'm out with P22+ and the Rükl moon-book, touring the terminator.
Several tiny rilles picked up, and Plato/Pico/Piton were at their best, as was
the Straight Wall and nearby Rima Birt. Sunrise was grazing the floor of
Clavius and lighting up two of its inner craterlets. I selected one rather
faint asteroid to persue, and with the laptop's assistance 36:Atalante [m12.5]
was captured; it was perfectly placed in MegaStar, forming a nice isocoles
triangle with two stars.
20 Mar - An hour later, the clouds parted well enough to set up the 'scope and
go hunting. Tonight's three objects were all snugly near bright stars, and I
mowed them down with ease. First came 405:Thia, a mag11.2 spark less than 3°
from Alphard; once I was oriented with the map it fell quickly. Next was
516:Amherstia, less than ½ degree from omicron Leonis and reasonably bright (in
a 22" scope!) at mag11.5. A long swing to Gemini brought bright 27:Euterpe,
shining at mag10.9 one degree west of M35. Each of these appeared right where
MegaStar indicated, which simplifies these hunts greatly. I find it embarrasing
that none of these made my web-page for March... For a final treat I returned
to Alphard and headed east, waiting for a few clouds to drift by, and finally
caught up with ngc3115, a mag9.9 galaxy east of gamma Sextantis. A member of
the Herschel-400 list, it's a bright object with a sharp core fading gradually
into the haze of Portland; I must re-examine this from a darker site.
29 Apr - Despite the haze, I pulled out the 22" and pulled four mplanets out of
the muck. 22:Kalliope at m11.4 was visible in 32mm but at mag11.8 116:Sirona
needed the extra power of the 24.5mm. Then it got tough - with only mag3 stars
visible it took a while to hop (esp. without my 16x70 binox!), but I finally
found beta and delta Sextantis in my battered 8x42s and pulled in 115:Thyra at
m12.1! Last and least by photon level, I skipped over to sigma Virginis and
caught 127:Johanna at m12.3. Both of those needed the 13.8mm for clear
confirmation, and Thyra was snug with a star of similar brightness. I saved
copies of the MegaStar charts as *.gif files for later confirmation.
18 May - broke out the 22-inch under clear skies, a condition that forecasters
didn't expect to last. Of course it's RCA GenMeet night, so it's not a big
surprise! Page One had bright but lonely 471:Papagena near epsilon Virginis;
even though I picked it off early before skies were fully black, its neighboring
galaxies 4754/62 were clearly visible. (When I went to add them to my list
later, I found that I had already seen them, from Timberline in December '89!)
Page Two had four mplanets and I plodded through them all: 25:Phocaea,
32:Pomona, 48:Doris and especially 85:Io were (re)captured near kappa/iota
Virginis. I was especially pleased to see Io, one that always had an asterisk
in my mind from Tygh Ridge last year. Page Three was buried in in a pine
26 Oct - The school show-and-tell went well - five RCA scopes (two 12½)
entertained ~75 kids and parents, eliciting gasps from the kids and shouts from
the adults (as usual). Despite my concerns the 16x70s were not kicked over,
although the mount failed to work properly - the wood base skids better than the
tripod swivel. Views included the moon, Jupiter w/all four moons on one side,
Saturn and three faint sparks plus Titan, M31,13,15,57,45 (great in binox).
Also (15)Eunomia was clearly seen in binox and Susie's 8" scope, drifting
through a small right triangle in Perseus.
11/11/00 - At 10pm, more or less, broke out the 6" to try for 324:Bamberga. It
was a strong reach in full-moonlight with a six-inch, but with the 13.8mm I
examined the field carefully. While no spot matched the MegaStar chart, another
bright point was out of place among the stars. I later checked the Unix program
XEphem, which showed too few guide stars to be of graphical benefit. However,
it did give coordinates: 2h 51/07, +40d 14'. When projected on to the MegaStar
chart, it was a near-perfect match to my unaccounted-for point of light. I'll
need to check the field again to be sure it shifted, but it looks good!
27 Sep When searching for something to see in Megastar, what pops
up but 14:Irene, my missing asteriod from the top twenty?!? As the weekend
approached, though, the forecast began to fail, so I moved astronomy to Friday,
and as the Cascades clouded over I went west. Chuck greeted me and assumed I
was watching for Hebe crossing M25; I wasn't prepped for that one, but had
Megastar with me, so I tracked it down before Sgr dropped into the trees. Soon Irene was rising high
enough to track down, and soon I had a trapezoid where MS showed a triangle.
Success!! The moon was rising right next to the other target - 20:Massalia - so
that one will have to wait a bit longer.
2 Nov Around 11PM I pulled the 6inch from the car
& set up on the porch. The streetlight was awful, but skies were good enough to
reach mag10.5, a mag deeper than Massalia. Sure enough, right where M*5 said it
would be - even adjacent to the faint star on the correct side! That means I
have seen all the top-twenty asteroids, and exactly one-third of the 150 first
discovered. Neat!
2 May Brought the new baby8 Gold to the site, where Harry & Diane were set up with their new chalet & 10" scope on a platform. Two Steves came later, as did the clouds. Despite them I captured (24)Themis to complete my top 25, and threw in (100)Hekate because it was too easy to miss.
30 Aug - Too easy to miss, mag13.4 Lova was a mere 1/2 degree from Mars at its opposition at the Oregon Star Party. Not only was Lova right where MegaStar predicted, it also was fast enough that it was in a noticeably different spot 2-3 hours later. Handy!
3/11/05 I did track down ngc3628 and minor planet Eunike; a likely candidate was near the galaxy but a bit off-line, so I marked its spot.
3/12 A huge bolide event hit while I was rummaging in my car; the effect was amazing nevertheless, and I caught some of it through the trees. Reports were available throughout the west coast, so it was spectacular! I confirmed Eunike’s position during the night using Jan’s and Chuck’s scopes; too bad it was out of phase for us to see it crossing the galaxy.