jump to astro|weather|&c
Most Recent Trip
Sierra Nevada
2009: Yosemite NE
2004: Bishop Pass
2002: Sequoia NP
2002: Kuna/Yosemite
2001: White Divide
2000: Evolution Valley
1999: Taboose/Lamarck
1997: Silver Divide
1996: Italy/Pine Creek
1993: not quite..
1989: Taboose/Whitney

Wind River Range
1998: Big Sandy traverse
1979: Big Sandy loop

Cascade Range
2005: Surprise Cr. WA
2004: Three Sisters, OR
2003: Enchantments, WA
2000: Alpine Lks
1981 & 88: Three Sisters
1981 & 82: Glacier Peak
1980: Mt. Jefferson

other Western ranges
2003: Ruby Mts, NV
2001 Rocky Mt. NP

Summaries & charts!
the Next Trip

Winter sports
'generic' topics
Jim's Hiking Gear
Jim Rates the passes!
Jim's Longest Days
Greatest Memories
Lessons Learned?
day-hikes near Portland
snowpack charts

hike - weather - &c
Minor Planets
random thoughts..
Observing Records
3-panel aurora data
Local sites- Klondike
Messier Marathon 1998
Camp Hancock 5/03
Jim's OSP intro
Notes from 1996, 97, 98, 2000, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09

Jim's Telescope History
Jim's other astro-gear
Rose City Astronomers
Astronomical League

weather data for astronomy!
Canada astro-charts
Clear Sky Clock
OSP weather info!

hike - astro - &c
NW Weather
Unisys, e.wall
multi-model maps:
Day +5, Day +10
MM5 home
loops: precip
tmp@925, tmp@850
precip fcsts:
MM5: 36h 48 60 72
unisys - hpc:
day1, 2, 3.. total 1-3
4+5 z12, z00
day1-5 z12, z00

wx discussions:
qpf 3-7day, 6+day
nat'l hurricane ctr

visible: 8km, 3km+
unisys w-vapor
NWS West Wx
NW obs, radar
PDX - all-in-1
current, prev.24h
radar - sat.loop
cli zf di ! wrn OR
cli zf di ! wrn WA
cli zf di ! wrn ID
cli zf di ! wrn MT
cli zf di ! wrn CA
nw snowpack
usgs streamflow
WxCams - Cal.

hike - astro - weather
Other Links
Jim's Other Pages
Europe 2001
Mexico 2004 & '05
Family Photos
January wedding
Brew Notes
All my Big Trips!
Weather Links
Nat'l Weather Svc.
Oregon forecast
OSU Oregon Climate svc.
Unisys Weather
Univ. of Michigan
Weather overdose:
Penn State's e-wall
Astronomy Links
Rose City Astronomers
Oregon Star Party
Astronomical League

Digitized Sky Survey
Sky Online:
S&T magazine

ASTRONOMY magazine
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
European Space Agency

Table Mt. Star Party
Hubble Images
AstroMart - classified ads!
Mel Bartels' Page
Swayze Optical

Other Science Links
USGS quake page
USGS recent quakes in CA/NV map
Cascade Volcanoes
National Fire News